Ano Vathi (Samos)

Ano Vathi Samos, Double dome church "A Giannakis"

Ano Vathi of Samos becomes an online course and focuses on the natural, historical, cultural, and architectural values ​​of the settlement. The Pythagoreion, Heraion and Eupalinus’ tunnel of Samos, a few kilometres away from this historical settlement, are World Heritage sites inscribed on the relevant UNESCO list for their cultural value since 1992. The settlement of Ano Vathi, affected by abandonment and fragmentation in its overall appearance, introduces us to its historical background and its building wealth while making clear the need to raise awareness of the local community on issues of preservation and more systematic promotion of its architectural, religious and artistic heritage.

Teaching objectives

Students are expected to:

  • enrich their cognitive and spatial background regarding the city and to understand its architectural dimension
  • connect the urban and architectural phenomenon with the historical, social and cultural environment in which it develops,
  • understand the various aspects and approaches to the issue of preservation, reflect on, and take a stand on it,
  • express themselves orally by connecting their observation, researching, and interviewing skills,
  • cultivate skills of exploration, cooperation and critical observation,
  • be aware of the difficulties and problems of preserving a city’s tangible heritage.

Educational level

above 6th grade

Indicative thematic classification

Architecture > Cultural Heritage > Ano Vathi (Samos) city

Interactivity type

active learning

Interactivity level

very high

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Enrolled: 5 students

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