#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = saint-sophia ## Skin ### Button Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0.label = информации Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52.label = REALTOR Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0.label = плански под Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4.label = албум со слики Button_1B9A6D00_16C4_0505_4197_F2108627CC98.label = локација Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum ### Multiline Text HTMLText_221B6648_0C06_E5FD_41A0_77851DC2C548.html =
Tsar Samoil 88

Црквата Св. Софија е црква во Охрид, Северна Македонија
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055.html =
Црква Света Софија

Е еден од најважните споменици на Северна Македонија, во кој се сместува архитектурата и уметноста од средниот век.

Катедралната црква Света Софија била изградена врз постари градби (базилики) во периодот од 1035 година до 1056 година, за време на архиепископот Лав. Света Софија. Таа е еден од најголемите средновековни сакрални споменици во овој регион и веќе подолго време е главната црква на Охридската Архепископија.

За време на своето постоење низ вековите, таа бил обновувана и проширена неколку пати.
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план на подот
HTMLText_34EFE7AC_2085_B4EA_41B6_4351588FC0A8.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_35663997_209C_FCA6_41A1_FDB4423E90CC.html =

Сводови со слепа ниша во кои отворите се секогаш заѕидани.
HTMLText_3573AE4D_2085_77AA_41B5_3D78D75AFB0E.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_3918BF37_0C06_E393_41A1_17CF0ADBAB12.html =
Panorama list:
HTMLText_4A811CDD_53E9_CD5B_41C3_E7662ED6A109.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_4A831CD1_53E9_CDAB_41D0_B9E858189448.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_4A88FCC7_53E9_CDB7_41D0_421BA699878C.html =

Серија на паралелни греди, употребени за поддршка на подовите или таваните, и поткрепени за возврат со големи греди, носачи или носечки ѕидови; најголемата димензија е вертикално ориентирана.

HTMLText_4AE89D49_53E8_CCBB_4195_98E1A4EDC279.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_4AE8FD52_53E8_CCA9_41BB_24BDDEB69431.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_4AF2ED40_53E8_CCA9_41B2_F2B3F78DE533.html =

Седимент е материјата која се спушта на дното од водата или било која друга течност која се чува на одредена површина.

Порозност е однос, најчестоизразен како процент, од волуменот на празнините во материјалот, во однос на целосниот волумен на материјалот, вклучувајќи ги и празнините. Празнините дозволуваат гасови или течност да поминува низ материјалот.

HTMLText_59C25E39_4F7D_0CD4_41B3_0CBC28502247.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_59C5AE43_4F7D_0CB4_41BF_6281FB5038E3.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_59CCAE31_4F7D_0CD4_41D0_893E05697E57.html =

Поврзаноста помеѓу два консекутивни делови за поддршка, особено кога се поврзува отвор со свод.

HTMLText_5A786F40_4F75_0CB4_418D_A2564FA0DF38.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_5A788F37_4F75_0CDC_41C6_3FB39170A280.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_5A7D0F2F_4F75_0CCC_41AE_F5D4E506AA1B.html =

Врвот на куполата кој е во фома на сфера / круг. Во случај куполата да не е видлива од надор се вика слепа купола.

HTMLText_5B00CEEA_4F55_0D74_41C5_16F815C70645.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

HTMLText_5B056ED8_4F55_0D54_41CE_F4FB7848142E.html =

Претставуваат прозори со отвори кои се поделени со столб во два дела, најчесто покриени со свод.

HTMLText_5B3DAEF3_4F55_0D54_41AD_2448A78BE190.html =
Archeological site Manchevci

The site "Mancevci" was partially explored during 2007 over which two objects were removed. After the archaeological excavations at this archaeological site in the old urban core of Ohrid an Early Christian basilica was discovered parts of the northern and central nave were also discovered when 200 m² were explored.

The basilica, which is one of the nine basilicas in the city and originates from the 4th-5th century BC has a fairly preserved floor mosaic with a decorative arrangement that was characteristic for the 4th and 5th centuries.

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